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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yesterday's Tweets
6:44 AM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Monday, November 24, 2008
Yesterday's Tweets
6:55 AM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yesterday's Tweets
6:43 AM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008
Yesterday's Tweets
6:51 AM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Friday, November 21, 2008
Yesterday's Tweets
5:44 PM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Yesterday's Tweets
5:02 PM
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. If this gets out of control i'll nix it.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Twitter updates coming
11:53 AM
so the activity here has been a bit slim (my bad of course), so i thought i'd ship in some twitter activity.

so, once a day (hopefully) a post recapping the previous day's twitter activity will appear. it'll be the same stuff that appears at the top of the blog, but a daily recap rather than just 5 tweets. if this looks fine i might just ditch that twitter stuff up there.

i am hoping to shame myself into posting more so that i don't have a blog that is just full of twitter.

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Friday, November 07, 2008
Name That Band
2:48 PM
allmusic review, with names removed. can you name the band? no fair googling. :)
Many critics, fans, and college students have spent hours debating the serious question of what the worst album in the history of rock actually is. One listen to [BAND NAME] would provide them with a definitive answer. [ALBUM TITLE] undoubtedly is the worst album released in the history of rock & roll -- hell, the history of recorded music itself. There have been many bad ideas in rock, but none match the colossal stupidity of [BAND NAME]. There's a reason why they're the only heavy rock organ-and-drums duo in the history of rock & roll -- it's an atrocious combination. Organ and drum combos work well in jazz, because the musicians know how to balance the dynamics of the two instruments, but in this group of [HISTORICAL GROUP OF PEOPLE], it becomes an unbearable, unholy noise. [ORGAN PLAYER/VOCALIST] decided that the only way a keyboardist could compete with the guitarists popping up in Hendrix's wake was to rig his organ with piles of effects pedals, Leslie organs, distortion, and wah-wah -- and use them all at once while he yells, not sings, and [DRUMMER] flails away haplessly at his drums. It's impossible to make out the riffs, since the organ just sounds like a wall of white noise, and there are no melodies, only shouting. Everything is turned to 11 -- because it's one louder than ten, innit? -- and even when the group tries out a different, slower style, it still sounds the same, because the instrumentation, attack, and effects never change. By the end of the album, it feels as if a drill has punctured the center of your skull -- it's that piercing, painful, and monotonous. [ORGAN PLAYER/VOCALIST] has gone on record describing the results as "psychedelic bullsh*t." Remove the word "psychedelic" and you have an accurate description of the album. [By the way, [ORGAN PLAYER/VOCALIST] and [DRUMMER] are dressed as [HISTORICAL GROUP OF PEOPLE] on the cover. For some reason, they're standing in a meat locker. It's as if the duo unconsciously knew they were creating the most ridiculous album package in rock & roll history.]
Answer here. But don't spoil it for everyone!

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