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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
flashback to 2005/04/19: Ruckus Roboticus @ the Southgate House
9:21 PM
Hey, last tuesday, DJ Empirical played a surprise birthday party for Chris Schadler, who does the booking at the Southgate House. DJ Empirical invited his friend, Ruckus Roboticus, down to play along, and he got these few pics.

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oh yes. i am evil.
1:21 AM
why, you ask?

this is why:

oh, yes.

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that crazy stAllio! and his cafepress store
12:23 AM
so, stAllio! had asked me whether i would mind if he used images of me (that he'd databent) in his cafepress store. of course, i don't care at all, so i said go ahead.

somehow, when i visited the store page, i missed that there were multiple pages, so i didn't initially see the dj empirical poster page. let's see if cafepress will allow hotlinking:

damn nice job, stally. i want one now. is it bad form to have a poster of yourself up in your living room? :)

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
flashback to 2005-01-14: burning star core and irene moon pics
11:20 PM
more pics from the hard drive. these are from the burning star core show at the southgate house on 01/14, with one of irene moon's projects, the name of which i can't remember. sorry, irene.

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Monday, April 25, 2005
chicken doing the karaoke
2:03 AM
check it: i found this pic on the hard drive & thought i'd upload it:

Yeah. It's Chicken, doing the karaoke at the Golden Lions Lounge, and rocking not only the mic, but also the handlebar mustache.

Go be his friend.

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pics from the easter weekend trip to NYC
12:09 AM
So, here are some pics from my trip to NYC with Baby Kitty.

The Guggenheim Museum, from across the street

inside the Guggenheim, looking up.

inside the Guggenheim, looking across.

We found this amazing statue when wandering around Manhattan.
i don't know WHAT the deal is, but that's sure a lot of boobs and asscheeks.

This is a fancy building.

Baby Kitty

On the way to the MOMA, we saw this even crazier dissected pregnant lady statue.
and huge.

a different angle. i think she's like 20 - 30 feet tall, though you can't really tell from this pic.

here's one looking up at the fancy building with the pregnant lady in the corner.

this is the easter parade.
i didn't know, but apparently there's a tradition of wandering around in the street by this old church. my friend elizabeth told me she watches the movie every year with her family, and knew exactly what i was referring to when i described this. weird; i had no idea.

Apparently part of the easter parade is wearing these crazy hats. the three white hats shown here each have little fake chicks (i.e., baby chickens) on them.

inside the MOMA:

if you were around me last April when i saw the Cremaster cycle, you'll know how excited i was to actually see one of Matthew Barney's statues that accompany the films.

this is a pic of three simultaneously projected screen tests by andy warhol of various actors.

the famous Warhol Elvis. this thing was way bigger than i'd realized, something like 6 feet.

Magritte's The False Mirror. he's one of my favorite painters, and it was amazing to see some of his work in person.
(The pic is not cropped because i wanted it to look "in context".)

Another Magritte, this one called The Menaced Assassin.

Still another Magritte, The Lovers. This one's a personal favorite; i think i stood there for 15 minutes.

an image doesn't do this piece much justice, nor will my description. It's a Gary Hill video installation in a recessed wall, with some cool ambient sound. Check here for more info.
I really liked this one a lot.

Here's some graffitti we saw all over Manhattan, wherever there were designer clothing stores.

That's all the pics... quite a bit less than last time.

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2005-04-23: big fat nothing
12:04 AM
yeah, nothing much for me today, really: i watched a couple dvds (Pulp Fiction and Se7en) and did some grocery shopping.

plus, as i hinted in my prior post, i taught aaron how to upload his pics himself. so, there should be many more coming.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
2004-04-20: CityBeat, Living Room, and stuff
11:57 PM
no time to post now: i just finished (mostly) making the living room look like a living room, with a couch and everything! it's hela crowded, and has that dorm room look (stuff crammed everywhere and nothing matching anything else), but it's there.

plus, my second article for CityBeat was published today. click here for the online version. it's an article about Roesing Ape, a cincinnati experimental musician.

i guess this means i officially write for citybeat now, huh? weird.

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Friday, April 15, 2005
my viewers are hip.
9:39 PM
apparently, according to the recently reset site statistics for this domain, most of the hits are non-IE browsers.

you guys are hip, man. i like that. i myself just added a Firefox hit.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
back in business
7:30 PM
check this out:

i just took this dead guy out of my computer and replaced him with a new one.

so, i have a lot of catching up to do, blog-wise, including a lot of special pics from the toast. also, there's that citybeat article....

bye for now, though: i'm hungry.

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i'll be back soon
9:43 AM
i got a new power supply this morning on the way to work, so hopefully tonight things will be back to normal.

i have another citybeat article to write soon, so i hope this fixes the problem. :)

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Monday, April 11, 2005
issues? i have a subscription!
3:21 PM
a) i fixed the blog. as stAllio correctly pointed out, sensory research's server upgrade changed the directory where public files are stored, thus rendering blogger confused. so, mcdeviltoast, if you wondered, that's what the deal was, and (as you can see) it's fixed.

b) the reason i didnt notice was that my power supply on my home PC died. ugh. no internet all weekend is killing me. i have to go get it replaced.

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Sunday, April 03, 2005
i just can't get into that new sound.
10:02 PM
the killers. the bravery. bloc party.


i just can't get into it.

that new hanin elias, though: that's cool.

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